As some of you might know, ZHOP-Charlotte is moving! Our lease will be up in August and the leadership team has been in prayer these last couple of months and have looked into some possible places to set up the tabernacle, so to speak. We have changed buildings in the past but this move is proving to be both different and significant. Different because, the Lord is showing us that it is no longer about a 'building' but about 'a people', a dwelling place for the Father in the city of Charlotte. He is really shifting our paradigms.
It is also a significant transition because, the Lord is shrinking us from a day and night house of prayer to just a day-time HOP for a season, however long that season would last. It has taken great humility on the part of our Director to step down from the 24-7 banner for a season for the sake of the staff, since he felt the need to strengthen us and build us up in this season. His desire is to raise up musicians & singers who would carry an excellent spirit in this hour.
In light of this transition, I will be coming off of Night Watch and will be moving into Mornings (8pm-2pm). It has been a little hard for a lot of us, but at the same time we are all learning to trust in the Lord's leadership together. At the end of the day, I believe this transition will prove to be good for all of us. The Father really knows what is best for His children!
So please be praying for us for continued direction and clarity and also that we would experience His abundant joy and grace in this season.
May the Lord bless you richly in this season. Christ.