Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Wish you all a very Happy New Year! Hope you are doing well and looking forward to all that God has for you  this year. It's been exactly a month now that I have been in India.  A lot has happened since then.
I am continuing to stay at my parent's house. I am very glad that I get to spend some time with them. I love being in India,  although it took me several weeks to get over the culture shock after landing here. The change of lifestyle has been drastic. But in God's grace I am getting used to it.
I've had my share of challenges as well.  My parents have told me that they are not ready to meet with Joe yet and that they needed some more time. My father has requested me to wait for a couple of months and first get acclimatised to Indian conditions. So I submitted to him. Finances are a bit challenging right now, am looking for work somewhere.
Some days are harder than others. But God is strengthening my faith in a new way. In a prevalently Hindu household, I am now learning to walk out my Christian faith. God is teaching me that Christianity is more than just not denying Christ (through my words), but demonstrating the faith through my patience, humility, servitude, kindness, honoring my parents, submitting to those above me and meekness. Slowly but steadily I am rising up above the waters.  I want to thank you all for thinking about me and being concerned for me. The thing that has been hardest for me is that I don't have any Christian fellowship, except for Joe's family and another Indian Christian family in India.
Joe and I have been in touch over the phone. He calls me everyday. He's been really supportive and encourages me in the Lord every time he gets a chance. I am so thankful to the Lord for him. It is hard for both of us to be so far apart and not see each other at all. But we also know that we must wait in the Lord.
Well that's all for now.