Thursday, September 24, 2009

IHOP-KC Update

A group of some 30 ZHOP people drove up to Kansas City on September 16th to be a part of the 10 Year IHOP Anniversary. This was the first time that we all got to go as a group. It was an amazing time as we sat under the prophecies of IHOP-KC given by Mike Bickle. This trip definitely confirmed my call to Kansas City.  On the last day of our visit, we had a unique opportunity to meet with Mike Bickle, Allen Hood, Misty Edwards and Marci. This was a very special time as Kirk introduced ZHOP as a people, face to face with Mike Bickle and team. And then Kirk made his formal announcement of stepping down from being our leader and transferred us over to Mike Bickle's leadership; As a good shepherd leads his flock to green pastures and quiet waters. It was indeed a very tender moment for all of us. All I can say is that I am so blessed to have been under such great leaders who have walked out their lives in such humility and transparency. I thank God for His leadership over my life.

Well as far as my plans for the next few weeks are concerned, I am planning on making the final move  to KC by October 31st. I am praying that all my finances would be met in order for me to make the move. I would need about $4700. Please prayerfully consider sowing into my life as the Lord leads. I believe God has called me to be like Esther, for such a time as this and stand in the gap on behalf of 3 nations - America, Israel and India.
My prayer to God is that we would be strengthened with might in our inner-man and would be filled with all joy to persevere in the days ahead. I pray for breakthroughs in each one of your lives.

Shalom in Christ