Exciting News!!!
In the midst of the whirlwind, here comes a surprise...I am getting married! Yup it is official. His name is Joe Daniel. He is from India, from a Christian family. He is amazing! I am really excited.
I will be going back to India by the end of this year to be married to him.....and to be reunited with my family. This has been indeed one of the most amazing testimonies of my life of redemption. God has been faithful!
I want to thank each one of you for being part of my life in such a special way. I wouldn't have made it this far with out my spiritual family here. This has been truly an amazing journey in the Lord so far and I am thankful for each one of you. You all have a part in this testimony!
I will be flying to KC on October 31st and intend on staying there until the end of this year. Then I will be flying home....finally after 5 years........only to begin the next chapter of my life.......with another set of testimonies of God's faithfulness.
I love you all.