YHWH spoke to Moses, saying," Command the people of Israel to bring you pure oil from beaten (crushed) olives for the lamp, that a light may be kept burning continually." Lev 24:2 (ESV)
This past year and a half has been for me, a time of being hard-pressed on all sides. The verse in the book of Leviticus indicates that beaten/ crushed/ pressed olives produce pure oil. In other words, allowing the hand of Elohim to work in our lives through pressing and crushing, produces the Anointing on the inside.
My time in India
Life in India, needless to say, is very different from that of western nations. India is a land still under the clutches of idol worship & paganism. So much so that even believers are walking under the sway of the evil one, compromising and building ministries only to make profit. Very few people seem to be excited about the topic of Intimacy or even desire to comprehend the urgency of the times. Well, my heart has grieved so much these past several months over the condition of my people. So many have chosen the easy way, the broad road.
Family life in India is different altogether, very hard to live out. Different family members want to be involved in everything you do, the elders generally tend to control everything in the house....I'm talking about the believing families. Sometimes I wonder, where is the distinction between believers and unbelievers. God seems so distant. I have gone through seasons of intense loneliness and brokenness....away from everyone and everything I ever knew. And yet, this has been the very thing that has enabled me to cultivate oil on the inside.
I know God will make all things beautiful in its time. The arm of Yahushua has strengthened me and has made me victorious. And yes, I am so much thankful for my husband, who has been always beside me, encouraging me and teaching me by way of example, to walk in meekness. I love my husband. My gift in this life!
We are right now waiting on some major things. I will be sure to let you guys know about it. Thanks for loving us and thinking of us.
G3 & Joe