Friday, December 11, 2009

Back in India!

Hey guys I made it home safe and sound. Sorry that it took long to write to you all. I was under severe jet lag and not to forget the culture shock. But it has been a great joy to see my parents and my younger sister after all these years. My mom couldn't stop crying for 2 whole days. Everytime she would say a sentence tears would well in her eyes. My parents and I have had some interesting conversations about God and religion. I can see the subtle yet strong deception that is blinding their eyes. It sometimes gets overwhelming for me to be staying under the same roof, especially without any Christian fellowship. But I continue to pray for their salvation. I pray in tongues a lot more now. I guess I need it huh!
Joe is doing good. I miss him terribly. I have been talking to my dad about him a little. He didn't say much but seems willing to listen. Joe is coming down with his brother & uncle to officially ask for my hand on January 8th.  I am really praying that my parents would approve of him and bless us! It's only after that we can decide on our wedding date.
Anyways, I will write more soon and keep you all posted on furthur developments. Please keep me in your prayers.

With lots of love,


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Flight booked to India

Dear family and friends, I have some great news. I have my flight booked for the 4th of December. I will be flying out to India from KC airport. My flight comes in at 11:45 am with Delta. I can hardly believe it...although I feel ready for this huge shift in my life. I can't wait to be re-united with my family and be a witness in their midst.
I am really looking forward to being married to Joe. He is an amazing guy. He might be flying in to New Delhi to see me... along with my parents :-) I will send you all the invite for my wedding when we are ready to send it out. It would be great to have you all come.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in America. I think this land has blessed me in so many wonderful ways. I shall always be thankful for this nation and will be praying for America. The Lord has truly put America on my heart. I will miss being part of a house of prayer. It is truly a mercy strategy over America and I bless it with all of my heart.
I love you all and would love to see you at least once before I fly out. After all you are my family in special family. I want to truly thank you for all that you have poured into my life. Your labor of love has made a way for a foreigner like me to come to know the Lord. I shall be forever be grateful for that.

With Love,

Monday, October 26, 2009

Exciting News!!!

In the midst of the whirlwind, here comes a surprise...I am getting married! Yup it is official. His name is Joe Daniel. He is from India, from a Christian family. He is amazing! I am really excited.
I will be going back to India by the end of this year to be married to him.....and to be reunited with my family. This has been indeed one of the most amazing testimonies of my life of redemption. God has been faithful!

I want to thank each one of you for being part of my life in such a special way. I wouldn't have made it this far with out my spiritual family here. This has been truly an amazing journey in the Lord so far and I am thankful for each one of you. You all have a part in this testimony!

I will be flying to KC on October 31st and intend on staying there until the end of this year. Then I will be flying home....finally after 5 years........only to begin the next chapter of my life.......with another set of testimonies of God's faithfulness.

I love you all.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

IHOP-KC Update

A group of some 30 ZHOP people drove up to Kansas City on September 16th to be a part of the 10 Year IHOP Anniversary. This was the first time that we all got to go as a group. It was an amazing time as we sat under the prophecies of IHOP-KC given by Mike Bickle. This trip definitely confirmed my call to Kansas City.  On the last day of our visit, we had a unique opportunity to meet with Mike Bickle, Allen Hood, Misty Edwards and Marci. This was a very special time as Kirk introduced ZHOP as a people, face to face with Mike Bickle and team. And then Kirk made his formal announcement of stepping down from being our leader and transferred us over to Mike Bickle's leadership; As a good shepherd leads his flock to green pastures and quiet waters. It was indeed a very tender moment for all of us. All I can say is that I am so blessed to have been under such great leaders who have walked out their lives in such humility and transparency. I thank God for His leadership over my life.

Well as far as my plans for the next few weeks are concerned, I am planning on making the final move  to KC by October 31st. I am praying that all my finances would be met in order for me to make the move. I would need about $4700. Please prayerfully consider sowing into my life as the Lord leads. I believe God has called me to be like Esther, for such a time as this and stand in the gap on behalf of 3 nations - America, Israel and India.
My prayer to God is that we would be strengthened with might in our inner-man and would be filled with all joy to persevere in the days ahead. I pray for breakthroughs in each one of your lives.

Shalom in Christ

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My move to KC

Dear friends, I have a big news announcement. I will be moving to Kansas City to be a part of IHOP. At first, it came to me as a big surprise but now is becoming increasingly clear that this is what I am supposed to do. I am thinking of moving somewhere around the end of September-mid October'09, as GOD wills! So here we go!
There are definitely some hurdles to cross in order for that to happen. I need favor with my R1 status, both with IHOP, KC and with the government. I also need upto $1200 to be able to process my R1 papers. But I am confident in the LORD that He is able to see me through even as He has called me. I would like to invite you to partner with me on this amazing journey that the LORD has me on. Please pray for favor and finances. If you feel led to give financially towards me, you may do so by either writing a personal check for 'Gayathri Sundaresan' or give a donation through ZHOP.
It is becoming increasingly clear to me that it is Righteousness to seek the face of God. He is truly inviting an entire generation to seek His face with a radical pursuit. Oh what a privilege! I believe that this is His mercy strategy over America and even to the Nations. I pray that we would be filled with the knowledge of His will in this hour.

Many Blessings and Shalom in Christ.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Entering into the Shabbat rest

Dear friends, the Zadok House of Prayer is going through a big transition/ change. As some you might know our directors and the entire vision team leadership is moving back to Kansas city. It really came as a big surprise. It's hard to envision them leave but I'm happy for them. As for me, I AM STAYING! After praying and fasting for about a week, I finally have clarity on what the Lord is telling me personally. I am looking forward to the leadership of Greg & Caryn Burnett. They are really amazing people. Besides, I get to live in their house!!! It's an awesome privilege and I love them dearly.
This change has been about entering into the Shabbat rest of God, for me. My heart is finally settled in Him. I can go another day 'coz I know I'll see His face! As much as it has been a journey of the cross for me {in that I die daily}, yet my reward has been so much greater each time. I really have nothing to lose. God is my shield and my exceeding great reward!
He, who is the keeper of Yisrael, has kept me too. My soul will yet praise Him!

Hope you are all doing well. Many Blessings and Shalom in Christ....

Thursday, June 4, 2009


As some of you might know, ZHOP-Charlotte is moving! Our lease will be up in August and the leadership team has been in prayer these last couple of months and have looked into some possible places to set up the tabernacle, so to speak. We have changed buildings in the past but this move is proving to be both different and significant. Different because, the Lord is showing us that it is no longer about a 'building' but about 'a people', a dwelling place for the Father in the city of Charlotte. He is really shifting our paradigms.
It is also a significant transition because, the Lord is shrinking us from a day and night house of prayer to just a day-time HOP for a season, however long that season would last. It has taken great humility on the part of our Director to step down from the 24-7 banner for a season for the sake of the staff, since he felt the need to strengthen us and build us up in this season. His desire is to raise up musicians & singers who would carry an excellent spirit in this hour.

In light of this transition, I will be coming off of Night Watch and will be moving into Mornings (8pm-2pm). It has been a little hard for a lot of us, but at the same time we are all learning to trust in the Lord's leadership together. At the end of the day, I believe this transition will prove to be good for all of us. The Father really knows what is best for His children!
So please be praying for us for continued direction and clarity and also that we would experience His abundant joy and grace in this season.

May the Lord bless you richly in this season. Christ.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


The Feast of Pentecost (Feast of Weeks)

Beloved ones, this year the feast of Shavuot falls on May 29, 2009. Counting 50 days from the day after the start of Pesach (Passover), we arrive at the feast of Weeks.

In the days of old when the Lord descended on Mount Sinai in the midst of thunderings, lightenings and thick smoke and gave the Torah to the Israelites, in the same manner, Ruach Ha Kodesh [Holy Spirit] descended upon the disciples in the Temple as Tongues of fire, on the day of Pentecost.
Acts 2:1 tells us that: "When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place." The disciples were probably gathered to celebrate Shavuot, one of the three pilgrim feasts.

The true purpose of Shavuot is to be endued with power and be a witness of Christ. My prayer therefore, for you is that on this auspicious day may you have an encounter with the HOLY SPIRIT .

Many Blessings and Shalom in Christ!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Shalom in the name of our Lord...
It is a blessing to journey with you and a privilege to share what I am learning on this adventure! Join me on this pilgrimage into the vast depths of the knowledge of God. I pray this blog will provoke you to intimacy with Him.

Daughter of Zion

VaYikra (And He Called)

The calling in God is to know Him and to make Him known!
For knowledge of God is better than burnt offerings!