Wednesday, July 27, 2011

On our way to becoming Entrepreneurs

I am so happy today...just got my offer letter! Yeah..I have been offered a position of a Production Manager in an organization called Jacobs Well. For those of you who know Jed and Nicole Robyn (former staff at ZHOP), they felt a leading to start a business venture called 'Polished Pearl', to help provide employment for women rescued off of trafficking. Joe and I have been asked to head this company in India. Check out the details below:

Polished Pearl ( a luxury name brand that gives training and employment to victimized women and whose profits provide care for vulnerable children. We are beginning in India, producing luxury handbags and accessories, and Gayathri has just taken a position to be the production manager of Jacobs Well (, a production facility hiring girls from the slums who would be endanger of being trafficked. Oasis is our ministry partner providing the rescue and restoration of women, both in the slums and from sex trafficking, while we are providing the training and emploment.
 Joe will be the Director of Polished Pearl India. He will oversee the development of our label in India and in particular will oversee the establishment of the factory on the Potters Wheel property, which will train and employ trafficked women.

Well, I guess that's our major update! We are excited and certainly look forward to sharing many more things in the coming days.
Love ya...


  1. That's so cool, G3. It's good to know you're being fruitful where the Lord has planted you.

  2. Wow G3! I'm so excited about this new position for you. I miss you!

  3. G3 so excited for you! I just saw your comment from before saying you emailed me, I didn't get it, sorry. My new email is Love you!
